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With so many parents across the country deciding to home school their kids this fall, we wanted you to know…

Life Christian Bible Insitute has a program where high school students have earned a Diploma, an Associate’s, an Advanced Diploma, even their Bachelor’s degree while still in high school! Dual-enrolled students can attend at a local campus or complete their studies online.


At LCBI, your sons and daughters will:
•    Learn to stand against the attacks on this generation using their authority as a believer
•    Receive a solid, faith-filled spiritual foundation to ground them in times of cultural upheaval
•    Be equipped and empowered to “live the miracle life" at Life Christian University!


Here's how our dual enrollment program works:

•    Students apply and pay a one-time application fee. 
•    Students pay Undergraduate tuition. 
•    They complete the Undergraduate course requirements.


Once high school graduation is complete:

•    They submit proof of high school.
•    They receive their Life Christian University degree(s), official transcript, and degree certificate(s).
•    They celebrate their accomplishment with their families!
*NOTE: If home school students are using a Christian curriculum, many of our faith-filled LCBI courses can be used to satisfy a variety of high school credits, such as Bible, History, Science, even English and Humanities! These credits will count toward their high school diploma AND for their Life Christian University degree. Life Christian Bible Institute is an affiliate of Life Christian University in Tampa, FL. Life Christian University is the main campus. 


Required Program  Courses


For more information please contact the Campus Director Rev. Jan Delay
Phone: 806.701.5390  Email:

Life Christian Bible Institute


3305 81st St. Suite A, Lubbock, Texas 79423


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